2 thoughts on “April 22, 2024

  1. Ramble says:

    Repentance can happen in two ways…only one of them is likely to stick (as in lead to real transformation, going forward). One can come from the mental /intellectual acknowledgement of what we have done wrong and an intention to change, where we resolve with our forced will (like for every New year), and likely fail, over and over again. This is because the center which commits the crime is not the one who resolves to change!
    Second is when we really understand and deeply see the stupidity of our ways of thinking/behaving etc. When it comes from such deep realization and awareness of the mistakes we have made, the transformation is possible, because they arise from one same center of our real ‘power’, this does not involve will, but a clarity of insight and awareness, hence we are more likely to not repeat our mistakes?

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  2. jimwdollar says:

    There is knowing with the head, or better, with the Left Brain, and there is knowing with the heart, or the Right brain (Which is right in both senses of the word). Right Brain knowing transforms everything, like that (snapping fingers). And it all changes for the true good of all concerned forever. I don’t know why the Right Brain has such a small chance of being recognized and accorded its place in the grand order of things, since it so obviously knows what it is doing. It would do away with consensus and majority rule, like that (ditto), with everyone “just knowing” what to do.

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